PRQ English | Startsida Nyheter Tjänster Om företaget Beställ Kontakta

| Raspberry Pi/VPS | Dedicerade servrar | Co-location | Web/mail-hosting |
Tunnlar och anonymitetstjänster | Domäner |

Dedicated servers

All our dedicated servers are based on high-quality, server-grade hardware. They are actual brand-name servers meant for the stress and continous operation of server duty, and not based on standard PC parts which often fail to stand the pressure.

Installation of any OS of your choice is included, although for non-free operating systems we need you to provide media and any required license keys.

We can also provide fully customized configurations if none of the standard server packages fit your needs.

Combine the price of a server package with a traffic package to get the final price for your dedicated server, or contact us to get a quote.

Order your Dedicated servers here!

PRQ, Box 1092, S-172 22 Sundbyberg /
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