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| Raspberry Pi/VPS | Dedicerade servrar | Co-location | Web/mail-hosting |
Tunnlar och anonymitetstjänster | Domäner |

Tunnel service (OpenVPN)

A tunnel allows you to get real static IP addresses with your own reverse DNS, and to bypass filters and surveillance at your ISP. You also get anonymity, as any tracings will only lead to us. Tunnels can for example be used to run your own e-mail server even if port 25 (SMTP) is blocked, run other servers, or use IRC.

The tunnels work with most broadband ISPs and operating systems. However, we recommend that you run Linux or BSD to get the best functionality. We do not filter any traffic or ports.

For more information about setting up the tunnel service: PRQ Forum.

Package 1:
1 static IPv4 address
/64 IPv6 prefix
Your own reverse DNS records (hosted by us)
The available bandwidth is rate limited to 512 Kbps
Price: 94 SEK/month
Package 2:
1 static IPv4 address
/64 IPv6 prefix
Your own reverse DNS records (hosted by us)
The available bandwidth is rate limited to 10 Mbps
Price: 156 SEK/month
Package 3:
1 static IPv4 address
/64 IPv6 prefix
Your own reverse DNS records (hosted by us)
The available bandwidth is rate limited to 30 Mbps
Price: 250 SEK/month
Additional IP adresses:
 31 SEK/month per IP address
Provided for free.

Prices include all taxes and fees.

PRQ, Box 1092, S-172 22 Sundbyberg /
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ipv6 ready